Well...we just didn't make it that long without a dog. While I think Kyle could have gone forever without replacing our beloved beagle, the girls and I were not holding up so well in a dog-less house. And there are just SO MANY that need to be rescued! We are just doing our civic duty...or at least that's what I kept telling my husband. (The poor man never stood a chance in resisting the house full of dog-loving women he lives with).
I scoured the rescue sites almost daily, looking for *something* that screamed "THIS DOG SHOULD BE YOUR DOG!" We didn't necessarily want a puppy, preferably wanted a female, and weren't set on a breed, which narrowed the search down to a mere 450 million choices. With a trip to Disney World planned for late April, we ideally wouldn't have located a replacement pooch for another month. Isn't that how things always seem to work? Just a few days into my post-Florida searching, I saw this girl...
That face! Those eyes! This was the *something* I had been looking for. And her name was Daisy. Daisy Purdy?! Come on. How does that not work?! |
Daisy came over to meet us on a Thursday night. Friday night found us at Meijer printing dog tags and picking up food and snacks, so yeah, I'd say the meeting went well. |
Daisy arrived with just the fur on her back, a daisy print dog collar (seriously awesome) and this little stuffed beagle - the exact same version of the stuffed beagle that I'd bought for the girls to remember Lacey by. What are the odds?!? |
She's here! And she's real sweet and kind of perfect. |
She weighs approx 65 lbs, which is 2.5 times the size of Lacey. Much bigger than we ideally wanted, but again, there was no turning this sweetheart away. |
Driving Miss Daisy (tee-hee). Daisy reportedly loves car rides. We took her for a spin to Petco to get a sturdier leash. |
After a big first day, she settled into her bed with her baby beagle. |
I may have watched her sleep for a lot longer than necessary. It was entertaining to see her take her beagle with her every time she turned. |
Day 2 - Daisy's belly is getting lots of attention with us |
A couple of happy campers |
But that was the biggest bed they had at Home Goods! |
The cats are doing well enough with the new addition, but that Jordan is a real instigator |
The best sleep of his life at Daisy's expense... |
What a jerk. |
A daisy blanket for a sleepy Daisy Purdy (who reclaimed her bed from that bully the cat) |