We returned from Florida just in time for Megan's first grade musical. The school music teacher puts on a different musical for grades 1-4 each year - and I am talking no repeats. This is a fresh set of four musicals every. single. year. It is seriously impressive (if not a little crazy).
The actress - in costume (the hat) and ready for showtime! |
Posing with McKenna (and little sister Lyla)
Posing with classmates |
All the kids made a hat, which the art teacher blew up to magnificent proportions and volunteers decorated the auditorium with. (I told you this was crazy, didn't I?) |
On stage and ready to begin. She did such a great job! No stage fright at all - not when surrounded by friends. |
The main chorus of the show:
Megan's pivotal one-liner:
Post performance, standing by her hat. |
"Yeah, I made that" |
Little Sister was having a rough night, to say the least. By some miracle, she made it through the play. |
Post-performance celebration at Spoonlickers |
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