To be clear, we do understand that Marie-Grace (Megan's American Girl doll) is not real. Nevertheless, she is kind of a big deal in our house. As such, we decided it was necessary to come up with a set of bunk beds for her that matched Megan's bunk beds for the house in Grand Haven.
HOLY EXPENSIVENESS, BATMAN! The cheapest set we could find out there was right around $80 - it looked cheaply made and was ugly to boot. Following a tutorial from
Ana White, Daddy set out to build Marie-Grace a bed.
Not too shabby, Daddy! |
He completed this in one weekend, for about $11 in materials (including the upgrade to pre-primed wood so I wouldn't have to do any extra coats - good man!) Ignore the pile of unpainted furniture that it is resting on - who needs a coffee table when you have a doll without a bed? Priorities, priorities.
I had been looking for a way to get Sherwin Williams' Begonia paint color into the house - thanks to Marie-Grace, I had my chance! |
Then it was off to the fabric store, where I spent a ridiculous amount of time coming up with a bedding fabric combination |
Then it was time to learn to sew. Oh yeah, did I not mention that I don't know a thing about sewing? Thankfully my mother-in-law is a very patient expert, who imparted her wisdom onto me.
I did it! Two complete mattresses, ready for business |
Two comforters - by this point I was getting arrogant with my new-found skills |
One complete set of bunk beds ready for moving day! |
All moved in and ready to surprise Megan (and Marie-Grace of course) |
And for the gift? Well, now that Marie-Grace had an extra bunk, it seemed only logical that she get a friend to fill it. Mom found one heck of a deal on Craigslist, and we were able to surprise her with not only the bunk beds, but also with Marie-Grace's best friend Cecile.
Cecile & Marie-Grace - together again! |
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